In this tutorial, we will learn about HTML entities. We will see where can we use them and will see a list of HTML entities.

What is HTML Entity?

HTML entity is a special character that is used to represent a character in HTML. For example, & is used to represent the ampersand character (&).

These are used to display some reserved characters like angle brackets, quotes, etc. in HTML. HTML entities start with an ampersand (&) and end with a semicolon (;).

Why do we use HTML entities?

Understand it with an example. Suppose you want to display HTML code on the screen. If you write HTML code in an HTML file and expect to display it on screen then this is not going to happen. Instead, the browser will parse the HTML code and display output on the screen.

Here comes the use of HTML entities. Use < and > to display angle brackets this way browser will not parse the HTML code and display it on screen.


If you want to write this 👇 on screen
<p>Learning HTML</p>

<p>Then you have to write this 👇.</p>
&lt;p&gt;Learning HTML.&lt;/p&gt;
Try It

HTML Entities List

Here is a list of HTML entities.

Entity Number Symbol Entity Name Description
&#32; Space
&#33;&Exclamation mark
&#34;"&quot;Double quotation mark
&#35;#Number sign
&#36;$Dollar sign
&#37;%Percent sign
&#39;'&apos;Single quotation mark
&#40;(&lt;Left angle bracket
&#41;)&gt;Right angle bracket
&#43;+&plus;Plus sign
&#46;.&period;Full stop
&#60;<&lt;Less-than sign
&#61;=&equals;Equals sign
&#62;>&gt;Greater-than sign
&#63;?&quest;Question mark
&#64;@&commat;Commercial at
&#65;ALatin capital letter A with acute
&#66;BLatin capital letter B with bumpy
&#67;CLatin capital letter C with cedilla
&#68;DLatin capital letter D with double
&#69;ELatin capital letter E with acute
&#70;FLatin capital letter F with hook
&#71;GLatin capital letter G with
&#72;HLatin capital letter H with
&#73;ILatin capital letter I with
&#74;JLatin capital letter J with
&#75;KLatin capital letter K with
&#76;LLatin capital letter L with
&#77;MLatin capital letter M with
&#78;NLatin capital letter N with tilde
&#79;OLatin capital letter O with
&#80;PLatin capital letter P with
&#81;QLatin capital letter Q with
&#82;RLatin capital letter R with
&#83;SLatin capital letter S with
&#84;TLatin capital letter T with
&#85;ULatin capital letter U with
&#86;VLatin capital letter V with
&#87;WLatin capital letter W with
&#88;XLatin capital letter X with
&#89;YLatin capital letter Y with
&#90;ZLatin capital letter Z with
&#91;[&lsqb;Left square bracket
&#93;]&rsqb;Right square bracket
&#95;_&lowbar;Low line
&#96;`&grave;Grave accent
&#97;aLatin small letter a with
&#98;bLatin small letter b with
&#99;cLatin small letter c with
&#100;dLatin small letter d with
&#101;eLatin small letter e with
&#102;fLatin small letter f with
&#103;gLatin small letter g with
&#104;hLatin small letter h with
&#105;iLatin small letter i with
&#106;jLatin small letter j with
&#107;kLatin small letter k with
&#108;lLatin small letter l with
&#109;mMiddle dot
&#110;nLatin small letter n with
&#111;oLatin small letter o with
&#112;pLatin small letter o with
&#113;qQuotation mark
&#114;rLatin small letter r with
&#115;sLatin small letter s with
&#116;tLatin small letter t with
&#117;uLatin small letter u with
&#118;vLatin small letter u with
&#119;wLatin small letter w with
&#120;xLatin small letter x with
&#121;yLatin small letter y with
&#122;zLatin small letter z with
&#123;{&lbrace;Left curly bracket
&#124;|&verbar;Vertical line
&#125;}&rbrace;Right curly bracket
&#128;&euro;Euro sign
&#129;Unicode nonbreaking space
&#130;Single low-9 quotation mark
&#131;ƒ&fnof;Latin small letter f with hook
&#132;&bdquo;Double low-9 quotation mark
&#133;&mldr;Horizontal ellipsis
&#135;&Dagger;Double dagger
&#136;ˆ&circ;Modifier letter circumflex accent
&#137;&permil;Per mille sign
&#138;Š&Scaron;Latin capital letter S with caron
&#139;Single left-pointing angle quotation mark
&#140;Œ&OElig;Latin capital ligature OE
&#141;&lsquo;Left single quotation mark
&#142;&rsquo;Right single quotation mark
&#143;&ldquo;Left double quotation mark
&#144;&rdquo;Right double quotation mark
&#146;Single left-pointing angle quotation mark
&#147;Single right-pointing angle quotation mark
&#148;œ&oelig;Latin small ligature oe
&#149;&lsquo;Left single quotation mark
&#150;&rsquo;Right single quotation mark
&#151;&ldquo;Left double quotation mark
&#152;&rdquo;Right double quotation mark
&#153;&ndash;En dash
&#154;&mdash;Em dash
&#155;˜&tilde;Small tilde
&#157;Š&scaron;Latin small letter S with caron
&#158;Œ&oelig;Latin small ligature oe
&#159;Ž&Zcaron;Latin capital letter Z with caron
&#160; &nbsp;Non-breaking space
&#161;¡&iexcl;Inverted exclamation mark
&#162;¢&cent;Cent sign
&#163;£&pound;Pound sign
&#164;¤&curren;Currency sign
&#165;¥&yen;Yen sign
&#166;¦&brvbar;Broken vertical bar
&#167;§&sect;Section sign
&#168;¨&uml;Spacing diaeresis
&#169;©&copy;Copyright sign
&#170;ª&ordf;Feminine ordinal indicator
&#171;«&laquo;Left-pointing double
&#172;¬&not;Not sign
&#173;­&shy;Soft hyphen
&#174;®&reg;Registered sign
&#175;¯&macr;Spacing macron
&#176;°&deg;Degree sign
&#177;±&plusmn;Plus-or-minus sign
&#178;²&sup2;Superscript two
&#179;³&sup3;Superscript three
&#180;´&acute;Spacing acute
&#181;µ&micro;Micro sign
&#182;&para;Pilcrow sign
&#183;·&middot;Middle dot
&#192;À&Agrave;Capital A, grave accent
&#193;Á&Aacute;Capital A, acute accent
&#194;Â&Acirc;Capital A, circumflex accent
&#195;Ã&Atilde;Capital A, tilde
&#196;Ä&Auml;Capital A, umlaut mark
&#197;Å&Aring;Capital A, ring
&#198;Æ&AElig;Capital AE diphthong
&#199;Ç&Ccedil;Capital C, cedilla
&#200;È&Egrave;Capital E, grave accent
&#201;É&Eacute;Capital E, acute accent
&#202;Ê&Ecirc;Capital E, circumflex accent
&#203;Ë&Euml;Capital E, umlaut mark
&#204;Ì&Igrave;Capital I, grave accent
&#205;Í&Iacute;Capital I, acute accent
&#206;Î&Icirc;Capital I, circumflex accent
&#207;Ï&Iuml;Capital I, umlaut mark
&#208;Ð&ETH;Capital Eth, Icelandic
&#209;Ñ&Ntilde;Capital N, tilde
&#210;Ò&Ograve;Capital O, grave accent
&#211;Ó&Oacute;Capital O, acute accent
&#212;Ô&Ocirc;Capital O, circumflex accent
&#213;Õ&Otilde;Capital O, tilde
&#214;Ö&Ouml;Capital O, umlaut mark
&#215;×&times;Multiplication sign
&#216;Ø&Oslash;Capital O, slash
&#217;Ù&Ugrave;Capital U, grave accent
&#218;Ú&Uacute;Capital U, acute accent
&#219;Û&Ucirc;Capital U, circumflex accent
&#220;Ü&Uuml;Capital U, umlaut mark
&#221;Ý&Yacute;Capital Y, acute accent
&#222;Þ&THORN;Capital THORN, Icelandic
&#223;ß&szlig;Small sharp s, German
&#224;à&agrave;Small a, grave accent
&#225;á&aacute;Small a, acute accent
&#226;â&acirc;Small a, circumflex accent
&#227;ã&atilde;Small a, tilde
&#228;ä&auml;Small a, umlaut mark
&#229;å&aring;Small a, ring
&#230;æ&aelig;Small ae diphthong
&#231;ç&ccedil;Small c, cedilla
&#232;è&egrave;Small e, grave accent
&#233;é&eacute;Small e, acute accent
&#234;ê&ecirc;Small e, circumflex accent
&#235;ë&euml;Small e, umlaut mark
&#236;ì&igrave;Small i, grave accent
&#237;í&iacute;Small i, acute accent
&#238;î&icirc;Small i, circumflex accent
&#239;ï&iuml;Small i, umlaut mark
&#240;ð&eth;Small eth, Icelandic
&#241;ñ&ntilde;Small n, tilde
&#242;ò&ograve;Small o, grave accent
&#243;ó&oacute;Small o, acute accent
&#244;ô&ocirc;Small o, circumflex accent
&#245;õ&otilde;Small o, tilde
&#246;ö&ouml;Small o, umlaut mark
&#247;÷&divide;Division sign
&#248;ø&oslash;Small o, slash
&#249;ù&ugrave;Small u, grave accent
&#250;ú&uacute;Small u, acute accent
&#251;û&ucirc;Small u, circumflex accent
&#252;ü&uuml;Small u, umlaut mark
&#253;ý&yacute;Small y, acute accent
&#254;þ&thorn;Small thorn, Icelandic
&#255;ÿ&yuml;Small y, umlaut mark
&#338;Œ&OElig;Capital OE ligature
&#339;œ&oelig;Small oe ligature
&#352;Š&Scaron;Capital S, caron accent
&#353;š&scaron;Small s, caron accent
&#376;Ÿ&Yuml;Capital Y, umlaut mark
&#402;ƒ&fnof;Small f, hook
&#710;ˆ&circ;Circumflex accent
&#732;˜&tilde;Small tilde
&#913;Α&Alpha;Capital Alpha
&#914;Β&Beta;Capital Beta
&#915;Γ&Gamma;Capital Gamma
&#916;Δ&Delta;Capital Delta
&#917;Ε&Epsilon;Capital Epsilon
&#918;Ζ&Zeta;Capital Zeta
&#919;Η&Eta;Capital Eta
&#920;Θ&Theta;Capital Theta
&#921;Ι&Iota;Capital Iota
&#922;Κ&Kappa;Capital Kappa
&#923;Λ&Lambda;Capital Lambda
&#924;Μ&Mu;Capital Mu
&#925;Ν&Nu;Capital Nu
&#926;Ξ&Xi;Capital Xi
&#927;Ο&Omicron;Capital Omicron
&#928;Π&Pi;Capital Pi
&#929;Ρ&Rho;Capital Rho
&#931;Σ&Sigma;Capital Sigma
&#932;Τ&Tau;Capital Tau
&#933;Υ&Upsilon;Capital Upsilon
&#934;Φ&Phi;Capital Phi
&#935;Χ&Chi;Capital Chi
&#936;Ψ&Psi;Capital Psi
&#937;Ω&Omega;Capital Omega
&#945;α&alpha;Small alpha
&#946;β&beta;Small beta
&#947;γ&gamma;Small gamma
&#948;δ&delta;Small delta
&#949;ε&epsilon;Small epsilon
&#950;ζ&zeta;Small zeta
&#951;η&eta;Small eta
&#952;θ&theta;Small theta
&#953;ι&iota;Small iota
&#954;κ&kappa;Small kappa
&#955;λ&lambda;Small lambda
&#956;μ&mu;Small mu
&#957;ν&nu;Small nu
&#958;ξ&xi;Small xi
&#959;ο&omicron;Small omicron
&#960;π&pi;Small pi
&#961;ρ&rho;Small rho
&#962;ς&sigmaf;Small final sigma
&#963;σ&sigma;Small sigma
&#964;τ&tau;Small tau
&#965;υ&upsilon;Small upsilon
&#966;φ&phi;Small phi
&#967;χ&chi;Small chi
&#968;ψ&psi;Small psi
&#969;ω&omega;Small omega
&#977;ϑ&thetasym;Small Theta
&#978;ϒ&upsih;Small Upsilon
&#982;ϖ&piv;Small Pi