Minify CSS Online

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CSS Minifier

Compressing CSS files before using them on thr production website is a good practice. By minifying CSS files, your CSS file size will be reduced which make your website load faster.๐Ÿš€

Our CSS Minifier tool minifies your CSS files for free. You can use our tool to minify your CSS files without any hassle.๐Ÿคฉ

It works in real-time and is very very fast. You can see the changes in the output field as you type in the input field.๐Ÿ‘€

How to use CSS Minifier Tool

How to use CSS minifier Tool

Using our CSS Minifier tool is very easy. You just need to load your CSS file in the input field. As soon as your filed is loaded, you can see the minified CSS in the output field.

After that you can either copy minified CSS or download it.

We have provided 3 ways by which you can load your CSS file in the input field.

  1. Copy paste CSS code in the input field ๐Ÿ“‹
  2. Load CSS file from your computer ๐Ÿ“‚
  3. Load CSS file from URL ๐Ÿ”—