XLSX to XLS Converter

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XLSX to XLS Converter

XLS is old file format for Excel files. It it binary file format and not very secure.

But it is still used by many people. All the new features of Excel are not available in XLS files but it is supported by large number of applications.

Convert your XLSX file to XLS file using our online tool. It is free, fast and easy to use.

How to use XLSX to XLS?

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Our online XLSX to XLS tool converts XLSX files to XLS files. It is really easy to use. You can convert your XLSX file to XLS file in just a few steps.

Follow the steps given below to convert your XLSX to XLS file.

  1. Drag and drop your XLSX file or click on the area to select your file.
  2. Click on the Convert to XLS button.
  3. Click on the Download button to download your XLS file.

As soon as you click on the Convert to XLS button, our tool will start converting your XLSX file to XLS file in the background and will display a download link to download your XLSX file.🙂

You can also load your XLSX file from a URL. Just enter the URL of your XLSX file in the URL input box and click on the Load file button.