Decimal to Binary Converter


Exploring Decimal to Binary Conversion 🔢

Understanding how to convert decimal numbers to binary is essential for various applications in computer science, digital electronics, and programming.

Decimal numbers are based on the base-10 system, consist of digits from 0 to 9, while binary numbers, based on the base-2 system, use only two digits: 0 and 1.

Why do we need Decimal to Binary Conversion? 🤔

Decimal to binary conversion is crucial for:

Method for Decimal to Binary Conversion 🧮

To convert a decimal number to binary, follow these steps:

  1. Divide the decimal number by 2 and note down the remainder.
  2. Continue dividing the quotient by 2 until the quotient becomes 0.
  3. Write down the remainders in reverse order to obtain the binary equivalent.

Example 1: Convert (13) to Binary

Reading the remainders in reverse order: (1101)2

Example 2: Convert (317) to Binary

Reading the remainders in reverse order: (100111101)2

Decimal to Binary Conversion Table 📊

Here is a table to help you convert decimal numbers to binary:

Decimal NumberBinary Equivalent

Our Decimal to Binary Converter Tool 🛠️

Our online tool simplifies the process of converting decimal numbers to binary and offers additional outputs for enhanced comprehension.


  1. Decimal to Binary Conversion: Obtain the binary equivalent of your decimal input.
  2. 2s Complement: Understand the signed representation using the 2's complement.
  3. Octal Value: View the octal representation of the decimal input.
  4. Hex Value: See the hexadecimal representation of the decimal input.
  5. Grouped Output: Group binary digits by 4 for improved readability.
  6. Step-by-Step Conversion: Follow each step of the conversion process for clarity.

Conclusion 🎉

Converting decimal numbers to binary is a fundamental skill in computer science and digital electronics. With our user-friendly tool, you can effortlessly convert decimal numbers to binary and explore additional representations, enhancing your understanding of numerical data. Embrace the power of decimal to binary conversion with our intuitive online tool!